Wise as Serpents – Part 2

“Wisdom is justified of her children” ~ Luke 7:35
Jesus spoke these words, not about true wisdom that comes from God, but rather a wisdom that only appears to be wisdom. Or in other words, it is a perception of the world only with the simple shallow look or view tainted by our own agendas. A good example might include the desire to take the easy road, which at times, might seem best. Or that of having a mind not to offend others, maybe for the purpose of not creating for ourselves a difficult encounter. I do not enjoy hurting other people’s feelings, yet telling the truth may cause unfavorable results.
More and more commonly today I see the body of Christ bowing to worldly views, accepting ideas that are clearly in opposition to the Word of God. One such idea would be that all belief systems can be compatible, that we are all seeking the same purpose and the same God, but only in different ways. If this were true, then what was the reasoning behind God giving the command to have no other gods before Him? And why was Israel and other nations disciplined for serving these other gods? And why did every prophet warn vehemently against serving these other gods? Of course it would be easier to just accept the belief system the world demands and we could simply relax in the flow of conformity to political correctness.
The Prince of Peace once said, “Do not think that I came to bring peace, but a sword.” His actions reflected this idea and it cost Him His life here on earth. His words, that Christians sometimes worry will offend in today’s culture, offended in the culture on the day in which they were spoken. Why? Because He was confronting what was not right and they hated Him for it. Jesus taught us that if they hated Him, they would hate us also.
If we are “wise as serpents,” we will not be fooled by enemy tactics. Serpents never ignore potential threats, nor let down their guard against an enemy that intends to destroy them. We must always see the enemy for who he is and know that our families, our friends, and our world must be guarded faithfully. As the tempest rages, would it be wise to call out, “All is well and there is nothing to be concerned for?” Can we enjoy the view and ignore the cries of people who are devoured by a relentless enemy? Or must we speak up for the helpless and make a genuine effort to bring a stop to their destruction?
I would like to visit one account of a faithful hero from Scripture. Daniel and all the wise men of Babylon were seemingly up a creek without a paddle. There was truly no reasonable way to answer the king’s request and tell him what his dream was, let alone interpreting it. Keep in mind that the entire predicament was not stirred up by an enemy attack, but by the Prince of Peace Himself. The king was given a dream by God and God’s intent was completely for the good of their time. Yet the king’s troubled heart could only seek within the realm of what he knew. What was truly astounding was Daniel’s immediate response. He and his close trusted friends instantly reached for the throne. The throne of the One who is all wise, all knowing, the One who cannot fail. Read the story for yourself in Daniel 2.
God used Daniel to reveal the answer to the most difficult question of their time, and because he was unwilling to go along with the wisdom of the day, he and his friends turned to the answer of all ages. If we are faithful to the call, we will come under fire and will experience great opposition. It is even possible we could lose our lives for His sake. Or maybe prove God and His perfect will to a world that is desperately in need!
It is important that the gospel that goes out is always at full potency. Scripture tells us that Christ is a stumbling block and it is not our job to ease the world’s ability to accept it. A cheapened gospel will not reach the world, it rather has the potential of deceiving them. Christ died for the lost, and in particular, a great deal of His focus was a compassion and concern for the poor.
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2 Responses to “Wise as Serpents – Part 2”

  1. Keisha Says:

    Welcome to MissionsPlace.com! We’re glad you are here and are looking forward to reading more about you and your ministry here on your website.

    If you need any help getting started, just let us know!

  2. goinstobrazil Says:

    Thank you! Great to be here!!

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